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Start-up - Die Phrasendreschmaschine

Phrasen einfach nach Belieben aneinanderreihen ….. - stets passend! ;-)

  • Dein neuer Katzentracker vermittelt Deinem Liebling ein völlig neues Sicherheitsgefühl!
  • We strengthen the bond between YOU and YOUR cat - so both will be happy!
  • Katzengeborgenheit, ab sofort völlig neu definiert!
  • Tracking is our DNA.
  • We are revolutionizing cat-tracking!
  • Building a new company, that will change the world, definitely!
  • Today, we are entering the next stage!
  • OMG, this has been an incredible year for all of us, and esp. for Molly.
  • Der neue Mollytracker, der ist, was soll ich sagen, einfach nur „miau“!
  • … an innovative and pioneering product for global market…
  • Katzentracker has an awesome potential for revolutionizing big markets……
  • A really clever and outstanding tracking solution! Well done!
  • Wow, can't really believe this real masterpiece of ingenuity!
  • Bill couldn't have made this better!
  • Really going to transforming the animal tracker market.
  • Team Molly, providing an extraordinary first class team and completing a powerfull mission!
  • Steve would have invested 10 millions without any hesitation!
  • Showing awesome performance and perspectives!
  • This LoRaWAN tracking device has all the necessary ingredients to become a truly category defining business.
  • Next round will enable this high tech company to increase it's operations in Europe and the US and starting the real commercialization of it's first product.
  • This is really awesome!
  • This is such an awesome and extraordinary, awesome product!
  • It's like creating a new universe!
  • Mr. Q. is really ingenious and a highly innovative mind.

Documentation all written in German language. We use DokuWiki. Google CSE | Translation | link to this site | Twitter | mail:

|| Besuchende: heute: 1 | gestern: 0 | insgesamt: 147 ||

Great work done by Team Molly, Berlin, Germany, Europe. 12.2021ff. All content subject to change unannounced!

<color grey, Katze, cat, Molly, Tracker, cats, catfinder, cattracker, Katzenfinder, cats, cat, hype, animal, animals, Tier, Tierfinder, Tiertracker, tracing, trace, Telekom,, NB-IoT, Telco, IoT, LPWA, LPWAN, LoRa, LoRaWAN, Katzentracker, finde-Katze, finde-Hund, Hundetracker, Tiertracker, Kuhtracker, Schaftracker, Schaf, Schafe, Schafstracker, tracking, smart, smart animal finder, animalfinder, cowfinder, petfinder, horsefinder, smart agriculture, tracking, tracing, Schaf, Pferd, Hund, Molly, smartcity, city, Berlin, Germany, Europe, german quality, startup, funding, investor, vc, venture, venture capital, vapital, Kapital, Finanzierung, investing, angel, angel investor, investment, funding, seed, round A, round B, soonicorn, unicorn, Kapital, smartcities, heart of, capital, KMU, tech, hightech, cutting edge, fund, high tech, innovation, mobile, creative, smart, finden, suchen, verloren, Katzenfinder, findefix, atractive, smart </color>

phrasendrescher.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 27.12.2022 - 19:03 (Externe Bearbeitung)

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